Owner Driver Testing at Warden Law


Open Testing

The Warden Law circuit is available for owner driver testing – No need to book just pay and sign on at KNE reception.


  • 3pm – 8pm Wednesday 28th
  • 9am – 2pm Sunday 11th, 18th & 25th


  • 3pm – 8pm Wednesday 4th, 11th, 25th
  • 9am – 2pm Sunday 8th, 15th
  • Thursday 19th – TBC (details to follow)


  • 3pm – 8pm Wednesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
  • 9am – 2pm Sunday 20th

Standard Sessions £40 for WLKC Silver & Gold Members (£50 Bronze members)

Sessions are run by Karting North East and will be segregated in to class groups dependant on numbers and abilities.

Eligible Classes and Age Groups

All eligible karts that can test at Warden Law are listed below. If your kart is not listed please contact the circuit to see if it may be eligible, before travelling to the venue.

Please note all karts must be TAG start with a clutch and not push start

Bambino – From the year of 6th Birthday to 31st December of the the year of 8th birthday

  • Comer C50
  • Iame
  • MightE

Cadet – From 8th birthday to the 31st December of the year of the 12th birthday (a driver with the required Motorsport UK Bambino experience may enter the class from the calendar year of their 8th birthday subject to U15.1 and provided they meet a minimum height of 125cm (without helmet).

  • Iame Water Swift (restricted)
  • Iame Gazelle UK
  • Honda Cadet 160
  • Honda Cadet 200
  • Rotax Micro Cadet
  • Tillotson Cadet

Inter – From 10th birthday to the 31st December in the year of their 13th birthday (year of 10th birthday with defined experience)

  • Iame Water Swift
  • Honda Inter 200
  • Rotax Inter
  • Tillotson Inter
  • Formula TKM Inter

Mini – From 11th birthday to 31st December in the year of the 14th birthday

  • Iame X30 Mini X
  • Rotax Mini Max

Junior – From 12th birthday to 31st December of the year of 16th birthday. Drivers who have not reached the calendar year of their 13th birthday must hold a minimum of a Kart National licence.

  • Iame X30 Junior
  • Rotax Junior Max
  • Junior TKM
  • Junior ProKart

Senior – The Class is open to any driver from the calendar year that he/she achieves their 16th birthday. A holder of a Kart National licence may transfer to this Class from their 15th birthday.

  • Iame X30 Senior
  • Rotax Senior Max
  • Senior TKM
  • Senior ProKart

Gearbox – The class is open to any driver aged 16 or over holding an MSUK licence. A junior may transfer to the class at any time during the calendar year of their 16th birthday, provided that they hold a minimum of a Kart National licence and have competed in a minimum of 10 Motorsport UK Kart Events across a minimum of 3 different venues.

  • KZ2
  • KZUK

Other classes may be allowed but only with prior arrangement and approval from KNE management.

There is no need to book and sessions can be paid for at the KNE reception. Please note ALL drivers must sign on and pay before entering the circuit.

Private Track Hire available from £800 per day Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays

For your own enjoyment and safety drivers and supporters must familiarise themselves with the KNE Owner Driver Testing Code of Conduct below either for Open Testing or Private Hire.